Any time your vehicle’s performance isn’t what it should be, it is an excellent time to schedule a Ford service visit. Few times to do this are as critical as when your vehicle enters limp mode. This won’t happen often – most drivers will never experience it – but the team at Kearny Mesa Ford is taking a moment to cover how to recognize it, whether your car is safe to drive, and what to do next.

What Is Limp Mode?

Limp mode is a driving mode that activates when the vehicle’s ECU determines a mechanical or drivetrain fault. You’ll notice the car has reduced capability when in limp mode, including reduced maximum speed and non-essential functions turning off. Essentially, your Ford car is conserving energy and power output so you can get your vehicle to safety.

Can I Safely Drive in Limp Mode?

The short answer is “Yes, but…” Because of your car’s reduced capability, we do not recommend recreational or non-essential driving when your vehicle is in limp mode. It’s vital to avoid highway driving since your vehicle’s reduced speed may pose a danger to you and other drivers.

If you absolutely must drive when in limp mode, make sure you drive carefully and only for as long as necessary. Pull in if you’re a few miles from home or a Chevy service center. Otherwise, find a parking lot or a well-lit shoulder area and summon assistance. Prolonged driving will only exacerbate the underlying problems.

Schedule Ford Service in San Diego, CA

Your Ford vehicle is built to perform. If it’s lost a step, call or stop by Kearny Mesa Ford to schedule an appointment or order replacement Ford parts. We’ll get you and your car back on the road safely and quickly!